In Advertising there some ethical approaches that are required in order to have a suitable and likeable ad for the audience. Respecting the truth and being honest to the viewers are important to credible copywriting. Meanwhile, spreading untruthful facts can be dangerous and will consequently result in losing the trust of the audience if it is proven a lie. Advertisement must be written based on facts, without altering the product’s features or concealing its flaws. If there is a wow-factor, it is imperative to showcase it to the audience in an attempt to further convince them to buy the product. Elaborating on the wow-factor and providing a reliable source will help to alleviate audience skepticism. Furthermore, decency is one of the crucial considerations in pursuing an ethical advertisement. An ad should oblige to the standard of the regulator and so, it cannot be offensive. Think of the risk by not regarding decency; the ad would appear insensitive. This can damages the brand image because an offensive act will be remembered for a long time and audience perception of the brand is negatively changed. For example
By Muhammad Syady Nayatra Rasyid 0307574
By Muhammad Syady Nayatra Rasyid 0307574